case study


At the time of this messaging assignment, Dell had recently privatized and established a new commitment to services. We worked on behalf of their services team, which was composed of 50,000 employees.


Dell was struggling with fragmented internal entities, focusing on their individual competencies — and as a result, people across the team weren’t telling the same story about Dell. Existing messaging was complicated, generic, and impersonal; we needed to make it crystal-clear, customer-centric, and easily conveyed for every member of the team.


We performed extensive research, examined competitors, and led internal planning workshops to learn about Dell’s clientele. We needed to know: What questions were prospects asking before they were even aware they needed Dell’s services?

We used our findings to create a 30-page messaging guide that broke down Dell’s new approach to messaging in a consumable, tangible way. The guide included proof points focused on client results and case studies that tie Dell to client-specific business outcomes. The language centers on achievement: How do we help our customers achieve the results that matter most to them?


The messaging guide was approved by Michael Dell and promoted to the 50,000 services team members worldwide. It ensured that everyone — from salespeople to executives — could understand and convey Dell’s value in the same way and confidently deliver on the brand promise.