Sensemaking for the modern world.

Buyers spend the bulk of their time researching the market. They want to learn about their options and feel empowered to engage solution providers. Content that makes their job easier will elevate your brand. It may even determine if you’ll have a seat at the table.

Answer their questions, help them make sense of the trending narratives, and provide insights that relate to their specific industry. This will help you differentiate your brand and allow you to compete on more than just price.

B2B leaders must have a presence online that is informative and transparent.

This is difficult for many leaders but incredibly important to your customers and prospects. Most buyers can’t fully vet the product or service they are buying. They can, however, vet the people behind the solution. They are looking for shared values, goals, and experiences that convey a clear understanding of the challenges their business and industry face and a clear approach to solving their challenge. This creates the trust and confidence required to engage and begin to build a relationship.

B2B leaders must be sensemakers.

There is a lot of content online and it takes time to learn, unlearn, and ultimately achieve an educated understanding about the available solutions. Sensemakers facilitate that process by providing an objective, unbiased point of view on their industry that empowers buyers to make decisions.

Selling beyond the front lines.

Enterprise buyers are increasingly comprised of multi-disciplinary teams. For example, IT may be your primary target audience yet key influencers exist in HR, marketing, product development, etc. Our economy’s digital transformation if affecting all of us. Don’t leave out the secondary audiences. This is also true for account-based marketing. Make sure you are communicating beyond the front lines.